We Have Made


easy for all

There are no shortcuts to success, which is why we believe that students should study full and complete courses to obtain an in-depth understanding of the subject.

Why LogicPad

LogicPad has excellent features such as interactive courses and videos, thousands of exercise questions, and quizzes, all aligned with NCERT based syllabus for CBSE board, to help students learn and understand.​

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Our Outstanding Features

Video icon

Interactive Video tutorials

Progress Tracking icon

Easy progress tracking

NCERT Books icon

NCERT Approach

Chapter Test icon

Unlimited chapter tests

Mobile Icon


Parent Dashboard Icon

Parent Dashboard

Technically Advanced STEM E-learning Tools Allow You To Answer Math Problems In Traditional Pen-Paper Way Using Modern Devices

Technically Advanced STEM E-learning Tools Allow You To Answer Math Problems In Traditional Pen-Paper Way Using Modern Devices

Computer displaying  MCQ Icon
Over and above MCQ

Question papers are not limited to Multiple choice question (MCQ) and students can explain the complete solution rather than choosing one from multiple options. 

Smart Device Icon
Handwriting Recognition

Students can answer the STEM questions from their smart devices and write in the manner they do it using pen and paper.

Graph Icon
Smart Draw

Graph features allow students to answer graph questions by plotting geometric and statistical graphs with our Graph assessment tool.

Unlimited practice questions Icon
Unlimited practice questions

Our intelligent engine creates infinite dynamic questions with the use of random variables. The student will get unlimited practice questions.

Comprehensive performance report Icon

Comprehensive performance report

ChatBox Icon

Quick chat box

Gamification icon


Certificate Icon


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For Schools

For Educators

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What makes LogicPad A Best Online Learning Platform

Convocation Cap Icon

Learn by doing

Interactive lessons and active participation in the learning process

Bulb Icon with Book

Personalized Learning

Lessons are customized to meet your unique learning requirements, allowing you to learn at a faster rate with ease.

Magnifying Lens Icon

Focus on what matters

Full syllabus of NCERT to prepare for further study


Light Blub icon

Gamified Learning

Gamification feature to make study
interesting and engaging

Icon of Student holding a trophy as a winner

Build your confidence

Multiple quizzes bring you the confidence to
achieve your goal​

Digital Certificate Icon

Earn Digital Certificate

Recognition for the student’s efforts and hard work

Steps To Ace Your Exam

Interactive Video Icon
Learn with Interactive videos

Interactive video provide you with immediate feedback on your performance

Chapter At a Glance Icon
Chapter At a Glance

Review the key concepts and ideas. It assists as a quick refresher and helps you to reinforce your learning.

Practice Test Icon
Practice Test

By taking practice tests, you can assess your knowledge and readiness for exams, ensuring that you are well-prepared

Feedback Report Icon
Grow through Feedback Report

You can use feedback reports to track your progress over time, seeing how their performance improves as they continue to study and learn.​